As the parent of a toddler, you are keenly aware of the necessity of routines in your young child's life. A typical toddler might fall to the floor in a tantrum if bath time is cut short or if you read only one bedtime story instead of the usual two. If you are getting ready to move soon, you might wonder how you and your little one are going to get through the experience with minimal meltdowns. Here are some tips on doing just that.

Make the New House Familiar

If you are moving to another house in town, make it a point to visit the new neighborhood and, if possible, the new house several times before you actually move in. Your toddler will be less frightened of a new place if he or she already knows where the kitchen is, what color the bedroom walls are and that there is a flower garden in the backyard.

In some cases, of course, this isn't possible; if you will be moving in after the previous tenants or owners move out, you can't exactly go knock on the door and ask to give your toddler a tour. You can, however, look at photos of the house and talk about the features about the new house that might be different. If your current living room has beige carpet and the new living room will have green, for example, this is something to talk to your little one about.

Move Your Toddler's Room Last

If you are using movers to handle the packing, consider having them skip your toddler's room. It might be helpful to your child to have you do the packing up of the treasures. Save this task until the morning of the move, if possible. This way, your little one can sleep in the room without it looking different or scary.

Another option is to have someone else care for your child (a daycare center or a relative or close friend) while the move is taking place. Be sure to give him or her a chance to say goodbye to the room, and make it clear that everything will be in the new house when you come to pick him or her up. When you do get to the new house, make sure that the toddler's room is unpacked and put together first.

Keep As Much the Same As Possible

There are some things that you cannot control when you move; the layout of the new home is likely to be different from the current layout, and there will be different types of noises that your child will need to get used to. Some things, however, are in your control, and you should do your best to keep them as consistent as possible.

For example, if your child's bed was to the right of his or her dresser in the old house, try to replicate the arrangement in the new house. If you are planning to buy new furniture for the new home, do this several weeks before or several weeks after the move; your toddler will feel more secure if the furniture and bedding is familiar. Also, stick to your normal routine, if you can. Keep the bedtime routine the same and try to stick to the same times for meals.

Moving is a big transition for everyone, but your toddler, being young and inexperienced, is likely to feel more strongly about it than you do. Do what you can to anticipate his or her needs and to keep things as consistent as possible. Also, expect that there might be more tantrums than usual, and build in some time for yourself to cope with these demands. In time, the new home will feel like "home" to everyone, including your young child.

You should also talk with the movers if you are using a company to help you move, to let them know there is a toddler so they can be aware. For more tips and assistance, communicate with companies and visit websites like
